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Aerobics & Workouts

Aerobic exercise is complementary to anaerobic exercise. Aerobic literally means 'with oxygen', and refers to the use of oxygen in the energy-generating process for muscles. Aerobic exercise describes any type of exercise, typically performed at moderate levels of intensity for extended periods of time that increases your heart rate. Oxygen, fats, and glucose are used to produce adenosine triphosphate, the basic fuel for all cells.
There are various types of aerobic exercise. In general, aerobic exercise is one that is performed at a moderately high level of intensity over a long period of time. For example, running a long distance at a moderate pace is an aerobic exercise, but sprinting is not.
Aerobic exercise confers many health benefits. It burns calories very effectively and, if performed regularly, can also increase the basal metabolic rate, both of which aid in weight loss. This form of exercise was first promoted by Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper in the 1960s, as a type of training designed to strengthen the heart and the lungs. When test subjects participated in regular, vigorous aerobic exercise, they gained a number of health benefits, which he collectively called the aerobic 'Training Effect'. These benefits include:
* Strengthening the muscles involved in respiration, to facilitate the flow of air in and out of the lungs.
* Strengthening the heart muscle, to improve its pumping efficiency and reduce the resting heart rate.
* Toning muscles throughout the body, which can improve overall circulation and reduce blood pressure.
* Increasing the total number of red blood cells in the body, to facilitate transport of oxygen throughout the body.
Regular, vigorous aerobic activity can, therefore, reduce the risk of death due to cardiovascular problems. In addition, high-impact aerobic activities (such as jogging or jumping rope) can stimulate bone growth, and reduce the risk of osteoporosis for both women and men.